Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
203 S. Water Street, Suite 312Henderson, NV 89015

Personal Injury

What a Personal Injury Attorney Does
Lawyers that specialize in this practice area handle these situations from the very beginning all the way through any potential appeals. They perform tasks similar to most other litigators. The personal injury attorney explores claims and also interviews potential clients to examine the validity of their cases. They gather evidence, formulate legal theories, as well as researching and studying case law. The tasks involved composing pleadings, motions, and also exploration demands, in addition to contacting and deposing witnesses.

All these activities contribute to trial preparation, but the work doesn’t conclude there. Personal injury legal representatives advocate for their clients prior to as well as throughout the trial. This may consist of counseling them along with managing obstacles in the legal system as well as those presented by their opponents.

Personal injury lawyers may manage large caseloads and work within tight schedules. Yet lots of lawyers discover that one of the most rewarding aspect of the personal injury practice is aiding injured victims and seeing that they and their families receive justice.

What Makes Me Different?
I will handle all the tasks and responsibilities of your personal injury case myself, the buck stops here. Unlike some large, well known firms you and I will have a personal relationship and you’ll never feel like just another number lost in a huge firm.

Common complaints by clients include:
1) Failing to communicate with the client. Lawyers have a duty to keep their clients reasonably informed about the status of their cases, to respond promptly to requests for information, and to consult with their clients about important decisions in their cases (for example, whether to accept a settlement offer).
I am the attorney that will call you back!